Charles Florey Building

The Charles Florey building, the two-story building in the foreground of the picture below, was an important fixture on the east side of Bowden Street from its construction in the 1920s to its destruction by fire in 2001. Charles A. Florey ("The Man Who Has Everything"); had a mercantile store in the building in its early years (1920s-late 1930s?), but many different businesses operated there over the span of its existence.

Mid- to late-1950s photograph
in 1961 Friscola yearbook
The building was an imposing structure in the downtown area, only rivaled by two other two-story buildings, the hotel and the Coca-Cola bottling plant, the latter of which can be seen further down the street in the above photograph.

November 2010
City hall in the immediate foreground and the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. in the center are the two recognizable buildings from the previous photograph that remain in the section of town affected by the 2001 fire.


Nick said...

I think the building remembered most throughout my lifetime which was the 80s-90s was the Drug Store owned and operated by Bill McCrory. It still had fountain machines inside.

Matt and Betty said...

I agree. I used to go in as a kid to pickup mom and dads medicine. Always had a milkshake or Coke at the bar.